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Configuration file specification: Hyperledger Besu

A network.yaml file is the base configuration file designed in Hyperledger Bevel for setting up a Hyperledger Besu DLT/Blockchain network. This file contains all the configurations related to the network that has to be deployed. Below shows its structure.

Before setting up a Hyperledger Besu DLT/Blockchain network, this file needs to be updated with the required specifications.
A sample configuration file is provided in the repo path:

A json-schema definition is provided in platforms/network-schema.json to assist with semantic validations and lints. You can use your favorite yaml lint plugin compatible with json-schema specification, like redhat.vscode-yaml for VSCode. You need to adjust the directive in template located in the first line based on your actual build directory:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../platforms/network-schema.json

The configurations are grouped in the following sections for better understanding.

Although, the file itself has comments for each key-value, here is a more detailed description with respective snippets.

Use this sample configuration file as a base.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=../../../../platforms/network-schema.json
# This is a sample configuration file for Hyperledger Besu network which has 4 nodes.
# All text values are case-sensitive
  # Network level configuration specifies the attributes required for each organization
  # to join an existing network.
  type: besu
  version: 22.10.2        # Supported Besu versions are 21.1.1, 21.10.6, 22.10.2

The sections in the sample configuration file are
type defines the platform choice like corda/fabric/indy/quorum/besu, here in the example its besu.
version defines the version of platform being used. The current Hyperledger Besu version support is for 21.10.6 and 22.10.2.
permissioning section contains the flag to enable permissioning in the network
    enabled: false
env section contains the environment type and additional (other than 443) Ambassador port configuration. Vaule for proxy field under this section can be 'ambassador' as 'haproxy' has not been implemented for Besu.

The snippet of the env section with example value is below

    type: "besu"              # tag for the environment. Important to run multiple flux on single cluster
    proxy: ambassador               # value can be 'ambassador' or 'none' as 'haproxy' has not been implemented for Besu
    proxy_namespace: "ambassador"
    #  These ports are enabled per cluster, so if you have multiple clusters you do not need so many ports
    #  This sample uses a single cluster, so we have to open 3 ports for each Node. These ports are again specified for each organization below
    ambassadorPorts:                # Any additional Ambassador ports can be given here, this is valid only if proxy='ambassador'
      portRange:              # For a range of ports
        from: 15010
        to: 15052
    # ports: [15020,15021]      # For specific ports; needs to be an array or list
    loadBalancerSourceRanges: # (Optional) Default value is '', this value can be changed to any other IP adres or list (comma-separated without spaces) of IP adresses, this is valid only if proxy='ambassador'
    retry_count: 20                 # Retry count for the checks on Kubernetes cluster
    external_dns: enabled           # Should be enabled if using external-dns for automatic route configuration
        component: besu
      pvc: {}
        owner: bevel
        component: besu

The fields under env section are

Field Description
type Environment type. Can be like dev/test/prod.
proxy Choice of the Cluster Ingress controller. Currently supports 'ambassador' only as 'haproxy' has not been implemented for Hyperledger Besu
ambassadorPorts Any additional Ambassador ports can be given here. This is only valid if proxy: ambassador. These ports are enabled per cluster, so if you have multiple clusters you do not need so many ports to be opened on Ambassador. Our sample uses a single cluster, so we have to open 4 ports for each Node. These ports are again specified in the organization section.
loadBalancerSourceRanges (Optional) Restrict inbound access to a single or list of IP adresses for the public Ambassador ports to enhance Bevel network security. This is only valid if proxy: ambassador.
retry_count Retry count for the checks. Use a high number if your cluster is slow.
external_dns If the cluster has the external DNS service, this has to be set enabled so that the hosted zone is automatically updated.
namespace (Optional) K8s Namespace on which proxy will be installed. Default value is default
labels.service (Optional) Labels to be added to kubernetes services
labels.pvc (Optional) Labels to be added to kubernetes pvc
labels.deployment (Optional) Labels to be added to kubernetes deployment/statefulset/pod
docker section contains the credentials of the repository where all the required images are built and stored.

The snippet of the docker section with example values is below

    url: ""
    username: "docker_username"
    password: "docker_password"
The fields under docker section are

Field Description
url Docker registry url
username Username required for login to docker registry
password Password required for login to docker registry
config section contains the common configurations for the Hyperledger Besu network.

The snippet of the config section with example values is below

    consensus: "qbft"                 # Options are "ibft2", "qbft", "ibft" and "clique".
    ## Certificate subject for the root CA of the network.
    #  This is for development usage only where we create self-signed certificates and the truststores are generated automatically.
    #  Production systems should generate proper certificates and configure truststores accordingly.
    subject: "CN=DLT Root CA,OU=DLT,O=DLT,L=London,C=GB"
    transaction_manager: "tessera"    # Transaction manager is "tessera" or "none"
    # This is the version of "tessera" docker image that will be deployed
    tm_version: "21.7.3"
    # TLS can be True or False for the tessera tm
    tm_tls: True
    # Tls trust value
    tm_trust: "tofu"                  # Options are: "ca-or-tofu", "ca", "tofu"
    # Add public key of accounts without 0x which will have 90000 ETH at genesis. Accounts created on external system like Metamask
      - "0x75a3505cd50Cfc418e59458d0E23c8bd9f6B52a0"
      - "0xe668554c28e81535B8679ff9de128203Fdedc212"
    ## At least one Transaction Manager nodes public addresses should be provided.
    #  - "" for tessera
    # The above domain name is formed by the (http or https)://( tm_nodeport)
      - ""
The fields under config are

Field Description
consensus Currently supports ibft,qbft, ethash and clique. Please update the remaining items according to the consensus chosen as not all values are valid for all the consensus.
chain_id Custom chain Id, default value is 2018
subject This is the subject of the root CA which will be created for the Hyperledger Besu network. The root CA is for development purposes only, production networks should already have the root certificates.
transaction_manager Supports tessera.
tm_version This is the version of transaction manager docker image that will be deployed. Supported versions: 21.7.3 for tessera.
tm_tls Options are True and False. This enables TLS for the transaction manager and Besu node. False is not recommended for production.
tm_trust Options are: ca-or-tofu, ca, tofu. This is the trust relationships for the transaction managers. More details on modes here.
genesis This is the path where genesis.json will be stored for a new network; for adding new node, the existing network's genesis.json should be available in json format in this file.
tm_nodes This is an array. Provide at least one tessera node details which will act as bootstrap for other tessera nodes
The organizations section contains the specifications of each organization.

In the sample configuration example, we have four organization under the organizations section.

The snippet of an organization field with sample values is below

    # Specification for the 1st organization. Each organization should map to a VPC and a separate k8s cluster for production deployments
    - organization:
      name: supplychain
      type: validator
      # Provide the url suffix that will be added in DNS recordset. Must be different for different clusters
      #Providing issuer as letsencrypt would create tls certificate using letsencrypt CA, 
      #This is Optional, if no value or default is provided, self signed certificates will be created
      issuer: default
      org_status: new   # Choose from new | existing
      cloud_provider: aws   # Options: aws, azure, gcp
Each organization under the organizations section has the following fields.

Field Description
name Name of the organization
type Can be member for peer/member organization and validator for Validator organization.
external_url_suffix Public url suffix for the cluster. This is used to discover nodes between different clusters and to establish communication between nodes
cloud_provider Cloud provider of the Kubernetes cluster for this organization. This field can be aws, azure, gcp or minikube
aws Contains the AWS CLI credentials when the organization cluster is on AWS
k8s Kubernetes cluster deployment variables.
vault Contains Hashicorp Vault server address and root-token
gitops Git Repo details which will be used by GitOps/Flux.
services Contains list of services which could be validator/peer based on the type of organization

For the aws, k8s and vault fields, a snippet is below

        access_key: "aws_access_key"        # AWS Access key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
        secret_key: "aws_secret_key"        # AWS Secret key, only used when cloud_provider=aws
        region: "aws_region"                # AWS Region where cluster and EIPs are created
      # Kubernetes cluster deployment variables. The config file path and name has to be provided in case
      # the cluster has already been created.
        context: "cluster_context"
        config_file: "cluster_config"
      # Hashicorp Vault server address and root-token. Vault should be unsealed.
      # Do not check-in root_token
        url: "vault_addr"
        root_token: "vault_root_token"
        secret_path: "secretsv2"

The aws field under each organization contains: (This will be ignored if cloud_provider is not aws)

Field Description
access_key AWS Access key
secret_key AWS Secret key
region The AWS region where K8s cluster and the EIPs reside

The k8s field under each organization contains

Field Description
context Context/Name of the cluster where the organization entities should be deployed
config_file Path to the kubernetes cluster configuration file

For gitops fields the snippet from the sample configuration file with the example values is below

        git_protocol: "https" # Option for git over https or ssh
        git_url: "<username>/bevel.git"         # Gitops https or ssh url for flux value files
        branch: "develop"           # Git branch where release is being made
        release_dir: "platforms/hyperledger-besu/releases/dev" # Relative Path in the Git repo for flux sync per environment.
        chart_source: "platforms/hyperledger-besu/charts"     # Relative Path where the Helm charts are stored in Git repo
        git_repo: "<username>/bevel.git"   # Gitops git repository URL for git push
        username: "git_username"          # Git Service user who has rights to check-in in all branches
        password: "git_access_token"          # Git Server user password/token (Optional for ssh; Required for https)
        email: ""                # Email to use in git config
        private_key: "path_to_private_key"          # Path to private key file which has write-access to the git repo (Optional for https; Required for ssh)

The gitops field under each organization contains

Field Description
git_protocol Option for git over https or ssh. Can be https or ssh
git_url SSH or HTTPs url of the repository where flux should be synced
branch Branch of the repository where the Helm Charts and value files are stored
release_dir Relative path where flux should sync files
chart_source Relative path where the helm charts are stored
git_repo Gitops git repo URL https URL for git push like ""
username Username which has access rights to read/write on repository
password Password of the user which has access rights to read/write on repository (Optional for ssh; Required for https)
email Email of the user to be used in git config
private_key Path to the private key file which has write-access to the git repo (Optional for https; Required for ssh)

The services field for each organization under organizations section of Hyperledger Besu contains list of services which could be peers or validators.

Each organization with type as member will have a peers service. The snippet of peers service with example values is below

        - peer:
          name: supplychain
          subject: "O=SupplyChain,OU=ValidatorOrg,L=51.50/-0.13/London,C=GB" # This is the node subject. L=lat/long is mandatory for supplychain sample app
          geth_passphrase: "12345"  # Passphrase to be used to generate geth account
          lock: true        # Sets Besu node to lock or unlock mode. Can be true or false
          cactus_connector: disabled  # set to enabled to create a cactus connector for Besu
            port: 30303
            ambassador: 15020       #Port exposed on ambassador service (use one port per org if using single cluster)
            port: 8545
            ambassador: 80       # Will only support port 80
            port: 8546
            port: 3306        # Only applicable for tessra where mysql db is used
            port: 443             # Port exposed on ambassador service must be same
            ambassador: 443
            port: 8888
The fields under peer service are

Field Description
name Name of the peer
subject This is the alternative identity of the peer node
geth_passphrase This is the passphrase used to generate the geth account.
lock (for future use). Sets Besu node to lock or unlock mode. Can be true or false
p2p.port P2P port for Besu
p2p.ambassador The P2P Port when exposed on ambassador service
rpc.port RPC port for Besu
rpc.ambassador The RPC Port when exposed on ambassador service
ws.port Webservice port for Besu
db.port Port for MySQL database which is only applicable for tessera
tm_nodeport.port Port used by Transaction manager tessera.
tm_nodeport.ambassador The tm port when exposed on ambassador service.
tm_clientport.port Client Port used by Transaction manager tessera. This is the port where Besu nodes connect to their respective transaction manager.

The peer in an organization with type as member can be used to deploy the smarcontracts with additional field peer.smart_contract. The snapshot of peers service with example values is below

        - peer:
          name: carrier
          subject: "O=Carrier,OU=Carrier,L=51.50/-0.13/London,C=GB" # This is the node subject. L=lat/long is mandatory for supplychain sample app
          geth_passphrase: "12345"  # Passphrase to be used to generate geth account
            port: 30303
            ambassador: 15010       #Port exposed on ambassador service (use one port per org if using single cluster)
            port: 8545
            ambassador: 15011       #Port exposed on ambassador service (use one port per org if using single cluster)
            port: 8546
            port: 8888         
            ambassador: 15013   # Port exposed on ambassador service (Transaction manager node port)
            port: 8080       
          geth_url: ""  # geth url of the node
          # smartcontract to be deployed only from one node (should not be repeated in other nodes)
            name: "General"           # Name of the smart contract or Name of the main Smart contract Class
            deployjs_path: "examples/supplychain-app/besu/smartContracts" # location of folder containing deployment script from Bevel directory
            contract_path: "../../besu/smartContracts/contracts"       # Path of the smart contract folder relative to deployjs_path
            iterations: 200           # Number of Iteration of execution to which the gas and the code is optimised
            entrypoint: "General.sol" # Main entrypoint solidity file of the contract 
            private_for: "hPFajDXpdKzhgGdurWIrDxOimWFbcJOajaD3mJJVrxQ=,7aOvXjjkajr6gJm5mdHPhAuUANPXZhJmpYM5rDdS5nk=" # Node public keys for the privateFor         
The additional fields under peer service are

Field Description
geth_url RPC url for the besu node Name of the main smartcontract class
smart_contract.deployjs_path location of folder containing deployment script relative to Bevel directory
smart_contract.contract_path Path of the smart contract folder relative to deployjs_path
smart_contract.iterations Number of Iteration of executions for which the gas and the code is optimised
smart_contract.entrypoint Main entrypoint solidity file of the smart contract
smart_contract.private_for Comma seperated string of tessera Public keys for the privateFor

Each organization with type as validator will have a validator service. The snippet of validator service with example values is below

        - validator:
          name: validator-1
          bootnode: true          # true if the validator node is used also a bootnode for the network
          cactus_connector: disabled  # set to enabled to create a cactus connector for Besu
            port: 30303
            ambassador: 15010       #Port exposed on ambassador service (use one port per org if using single cluster)
            port: 8545
            ambassador: 80       # Will only support port 80
            port: 8546
            enabled: true      # Set this to true to enable Prometheus monitoring for this node, or false to disable it.
            port: 9545         # Specify the port that Prometheus will use to collect metrics for this node. 
The fields under validator service are

Field Description
name Name of the validator
bootnode true if the validator node is used also a bootnode for the network ***
p2p.port P2P port for Besu
p2p.ambassador The P2P Port when exposed on ambassador service
rpc.port RPC port for Besu
rpc.ambassador The RPC Port when exposed on ambassador service
ws.port Webservice port for Besu
metrics.enabled Enable metrics for Besu node
metrics.port Metrics port for Besu

*** feature is in future scope