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Deploying Fabric Operations Console


The Fabric Operations Console can be deployed along with the Fabric Network. You can then manually add peers, orderers, CA to the console by importing appropriate JSON files.

The Helm Chart for Fabric Operations Console is available here.

If you want to create the JSON files automatically by using our ansible playbook, the CA server endpoint should be accessible publicly and that endpoint details added in organization.ca_data.url.

NOTE: The Fabric Operations Console has only been tested with operations.tls.enabled = false for Fabric Peers, Orderers and CAs.

Modifying Configuration File

A Sample configuration file for deploying Operations Console is available here. Main change being addition of a new key organization.fabric_console which when enabled will deploy the operations console for the organization.

        certificate: "/path/store/server.crt" # certificate path for peer
      name: OrdererGenesis

  # Allows specification of one or many organizations that will be connecting to a network.
  # If an organization is also hosting the root of the network (e.g. doorman, membership service, etc),
  # then these services should be listed in this section as well.

    # Specification for the 1st organization. Each organization maps to a VPC and a separate k8s cluster
    - organization:
      name: supplychain
      country: UK
      state: London
      location: London
                branch: main
                path: "chaincode_src"   #The path to the chaincode 
              arguments: 'chaincode_args' #Arguments to be passed along with the chaincode parameters
              endorsements: "" #Endorsements (if any) provided along with the chaincode

    - organization:
      name: carrier
      country: GB
      state: London
      location: London
      subject: "O=Carrier,OU=Carrier,L=51.50/-0.13/London,C=GB"

For generic instructions on the Fabric configuration file, refer this guide.

Run playbook

The deploy-fabric-console.yaml playbook should be used to automatically generate the JSON files and deploy the console. This can be done using the following command

ansible-playbook platforms/hyperledger-fabric/configuration/deploy-fabric-console.yaml --extra-vars "@/path/to/network.yaml"

This will deploy the console which will be available over your proxy at https://console..

The JSON files will be available in <project_dir>/build/assets folder. You can import individual files on respective organization console as well as use bulk import for uploading the zip file <project_dir>/build/

Refer this guide for details on operating the Console.