
Thank you for your interest to contribute to Bevel! 🎉

We welcome contributions to Hyperledger Bevel Project in many forms, and there’s always plenty to do!

First things first, please review the Hyperledger Code of Conduct before participating and please follow it in all your interactions with the project.

You can contribute to Bevel, as a user or/and as a developer.

As a user:

Making Feature/Enhancement Proposals
Reporting bugs

As a developer:

Consider picking up a “help-wanted” or “good-first-issue” task

If you can commit to full-time/part-time development, then please contact us on our Rocket chat channel to work through logistics!

Please visit the Developer Guide in the docs to learn how to make contributions to this exciting project.

Pull Request Process :

For source code integrity , Hyperledger Bevel GitHub pull requests are accepted from forked repositories only. There are also quality standards identified and documented here that will be enhanced over time.

  1. Fork Bevel via Github UI

  2. Clone the fork to your local machine

  3. Complete the desired changes and where possible test locally (more detail to come here)

  4. Commit your changes
    i) Make sure you sign your commit using git commit -s for more information see here
    ii) Make sure your commit message follows Conventional Commits syntax; this aids in release notes generation.

  5. Push your changes to your feature branch

  6. Initiate a pull request from your fork to the base repository ( develop branch , unless it is a critical bug, in that case initiate to the main branch)

  7. Await DCO & linting quality checks ( CI to come soon ), as well as any feedback from reviewers.

  8. Work on the feedback to revise the PR if there are any comments

  9. If not, the PR gets approved , delete feature branch post the merge

NOTE: If you are a regular contributor , please make sure to take the latest pull from the develop branch every time before making any pull request , main branch in case of a critical defect / bug .

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.